  Helo Vivian
Thank you for writing me. Oh and I saw your monster and I liked it. If I get to go to Taiwan I would like to go swimming in the water park. I know that you have a water park because I saw the slide show of the people who went last year. It looks like fun! I would love to go to Taiwan and stay for a little while. If we get to get to go  Taiwan this yaer I might get to go! Isn't that really exciting? I would love to try your food. If I get to go I will have to go to your school. Is your school fun? Oh and I would like to go swimming in the Pacific Ocean. To Kevin yes I have eaten dumplings and yes I do like soccer. My cousins played soccer. Yes I have seen a Monarch before. We had 2 hatch in our class this year. But the rest of them died. zei jian by by.  
                                                                                                                                                       From Casey Berghger          
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