書呆子 Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

          〝Lenny thinks she is pretty. I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder!〞

             Meaning:what one person finds beautiful, another may find ugly, different people have different opinions.

             Origin:Many writers in the past have stated the idea that people see things differently. The 〝eye〞is really our mind and thoughts, while the 〝beholder〞 is  the person who is looking at the person or thing.

     書呆子 Calm before the storm

          〝The meeting may be peaceful now, but this is only the calm before the storm.〞

             Meaning:A period of peace before a disturbance or crisis; an unnatural or false calm before a storm.

             Origin:An ancient Greek proverb said:〝Fair weather brings cloudy weather.〞 Though not always true, people have noticed that before a storm, there is a time of stillness and calm.


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